Steve created his own 10 question meme. Because he didn't ask me to, I'm answering it...
1. God gives you a free ticket to spend the night with absolutely anybody in the world and the entirety of history – whom do you choose?
Surely it isn't God who needs to give me this free pass, but Louise?
Oh, I'm sorry, I've just been reminded - in this house, same thing.
Anyway, I'm sure it will come as no surprise to anybody that my answer is...
...though obviously, all we'd do is have a couple of games of scrabble and read a few Spider-Man comics. In the bath.*
2. Frankie Howard or Frankie Boyle? (This is a separate question and is not related to no. 1 above.)
Thank god for that.
Neither, ta.
3. What life skill or ability do you wish you possessed?
I wish I was more socially adept and self-confident.
4. If it takes Johnny three hours to fill a bath with water using a colander and a train travelling at 90mph takes 2 hours to reach it’s destination why does Britain no longer have the right to call itself Great?
5. Have you ever genuinely wished to be a member of the opposite sex (or are you that already)?
I have a hard enough time being the sex I am.
6. Do you have any embarrassingly weird interests or hobbies – and if so please explain in detail?
All my interests and hobbies are embarrassingly weird and I go into great detail about them here on a regular basis.
7. Dance, Punk, Goth, Metal, Grunge, Pop, Country, Folk or Classical? The choice is yours.
Any but the first. Within reason.
8. If you could change anything about your current lifestyle / life situation, what would it be? And what would you keep?
My job. And my bank account. The rest I'd keep.
9. If you were a packet of crisps what flavour would you be?
Cheese and bastard.
10. Describe the sandwich of the gods.
At the moment, it would be tuna/mayo. I can't get enough tuna/mayo right now. I'm sure I'll get sick of it eventually.
*I'm kidding. Do you really think I'd risk damaging my comics by reading them in the bath?