I watched the movie The Ghost (or if you're in America: The Ghost Writer) on DVD this weekend. I was a big fan of the book, so naturally the film left me a little cold. It was moodily directed by Roman Polanski, with decent enough performances from Ewan McGregor (a little wooden at first, but he warms up), Pierce Brosnan and particularly Olivia Williams in full-on Cherie Blair bad hair day. But the book was far more gripping and the final twist in the movie felt grafted on, even though the screenplay was written by Harris himself.
There was one thing I loved about the film though, and that was the location.
The majority of the story takes place in the former PM's American retreat in a beach-front property on a remote island off Massachusetts. The house itself is rather cold and utilitarian, but the office McGregor does most of his writing in features a floor-to-ceiling window which looks directly out onto the beach and sea. It's not a sun-drenched California beach though. The sky outside is grey and filled with rolling clouds. The sea is choppy and uninviting. The beach is covered with patches of scrub grass and always deserted. And yet I was drawn to this place more than I've been drawn to any movie location in a long time. I could imagine myself living there, writing in that room, staring at out this stark yet beautiful panorama... though I have to admit I'd probably end up doing more staring and less writing than was good for me. It's no wonder McGregor's character is constantly distracted from his work.
I'm sure there would be all kinds of problems associated with owning a beach front property, particularly one where the weather was anything but idyllic. Soil erosion, salt water rust, rising damp, sand constantly blowing in every time you open the door... but it'd be worth it to stare out on a view like that every day. Not that we're unhappy with the view from our own front windows. That view (below) was among the first things that drew us to this house and it's something we appreciate every day.
It's probably more beautiful - is slightly less dramatic - than the view from the beach house in The Ghost. In an ideal world, I'd want both. A house looking out on beautiful countryside and a beach retreat too. Hey, I can dream, right?
What about you? Have you ever been drawn to a movie or TV location and wished you could live there? Where would your dream home be situated? If you're living in it right now, you are allowed a second pick...
On the subject of beaches, this week's Thoughtballoons script is set on one... though one with a little bit more sunshine. The chosen character is the Silver Surfer and you can read my take on him by clicking here.