People always say that moving house is the most stressful thing you can do as a homeowner. Well, as you may remember, we moved house last summer, and yes, it was pretty damned stressful.
But to be honest, it was a walk in the park compared to what we've done this summer... getting a new bathroom fitted.
There's something extremely disconcerting about having workmen in your house. Home is where you go to get away from other people - but when there's strange men clomping around in it in big boots with big hammers and bigger attitudes, where do you go to escape?
Before I go any further, let me tell you that now it's finished, we couldn't be happier with the way our new bathroom looks. Louise has a keen sense of design and she's been planning this since we moved in (while we've also been saving like mad). I'm proud of the way her vision has come to life. I'm not unhappy with the work that's been done in fitting it either. The problem - and from talking to other people it seems a common experience when people let builders into their home - has been the lack of communication.
Not being told when work has been delayed. Not being told when things have been damaged. Not being told the final bill wouldn't match the quote* (because of a few "unforeseen extras"). Just generally not being told anything. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. "What they don't know won't hurt 'em!" "Mañana, mañana..." as the Spanish apparently have it, or, "Ee-ven-shwall-ee!" as Manuel from Fawlty Towers used to put it.
When tradesmen act like this, they put you in the position of having to constantly chase and question and pester them... they somehow make you feel like you're in the wrong. Like you're an overbearing nag, an awkward customer, or a precious control freak... when actually, you just want to know WHAT'S GOING ON!? It all makes me very uncomfortable - and it shouldn't. I know, I know, I need to toughen up, grow a thicker skin and a harder heart... but why can't people just do what they've said they're going to do... or, if they don't or can't, at least have the decency to tell you? Is that really too much to ask?
I'm stressed out. I need to go relax in our new bath.
(*Yes, it will.)