Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Forget You!

In an effort to clean up this blog after the tawdry bacchanalia of the last few days, I'm going to refrain from using the F-word around here ever again.

So if you ever catch me using the word 'forget' on this blog again, you have my permission to report me to my good friends at the Mail On Sunday. From now on, just like Cee-Lo Green does on his current Number One Chart Hit, I will endeavour to always replace the word 'forget' with a word that's much less offensive. And if I forget... oh - d'oh!

Full credit to Cee-Lo Green though. I think this is the first Number One Chart Hit I've enjoyed - or even been remotely aware of - through the whole of 2010. Beyond the cheeky hook of the unedited version, it's got a wonderful classic Motown vibe... the lyrics are dripping in bitterness and spite, which is always good... and it's a great song for playing really loud in the car and singing along to when you're stuck in traffic.

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