I've had two people tell me now that they're no longer able to read this blog at work. I won't mention who they are, because obviously I wouldn't want them to get in trouble with their employers for the heinous crime of slacking - even slacking with good literary, mind-broadening and educational intent.
Apparently Sunset Over Slawit is blocked by certain Big Brother organisations because of "sexual content". Now OK, I did use the word 'vagina' in a book review yesterday (and my hits went up accordingly) and I do occasionally break out the f- or even the c-word when driven to anger or outrage (or talking about Bono or Tom Hanks)... but when have I ever written about S-E-X?
A quick scan through my back catalogue reveals I did once mention some doggers we encountered (I nearly wrote 'came across', then rephrased it) near Whitby... I published an extract from my play There's More Where That Came From and received some very useful feedback on its sexual politics... and there was that smut-laden piece I wrote last winter about the birds in our garden... but other than that (and the occasional leering after Kate Winslet or Rebecca Hall) if you surfed here looking for porny things, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
So what can I do to live down to my undeserved reputation?
Oh, very well then, if you insist...
How about a lovely pair of tits...?
Are you happy now?
(I bet Steve is.)
This week's Thoughtballoons character offers little in the way of titillation either, I'm afraid. But lots in the way of laughs, hopefully, since we're basing our 1-page stories on Warren Ellis's eccentric, misanthropic reinvention of Jack Kirby's Aaron Stack, aka Machine Man. Go here to read my story, fleshy ones - then check out what the other guys have been up to.