The traditional Western hero is a loner. A man with no name, and few transparent emotions. He is as cold and hard and lonely as the country that shaped him. He strides into town, delivers justice, then rides off into the sunset... and rarely do we get any more than a glimmer of the man beneath the hat.
Andrew Cheverton and Tim Keable's Jerusalem West always appeared to be just such a man. Standing up to bandits, bank robbers, crooked politicians, werewolves and even the walking dead, he was a man of a few words and little outward emotion... yet Chev and Tim always hinted at a darker past for their lone stranger... and in Distance that past is finally revealed.
It's a gut-wrenching ride that packs a genuine emotional punch. Chev's script is pared to the bone, allowing Tim's moody artwork the chance to carry much of the narrative in a subtle yet powerful way. It's a comic that requires, nay demands, multiple readings, and rewards a dedicated audience with a haunting tale that really captures the imagination. I can't wait for episode three.
West: Distance #2 is now available from the Angry Candy shop. Mosey on over there and pick it up. Tell Chev a stranger recommended it...