I haven't run a #fridayflash story for some time, but I found this in my old writing files and thought it'd fit the bill. It was originally written for a competition; the challenge being to write a short story that would fit on the back of a postcard. That doesn't give you a whole lot of time... so that's exactly what the story ended up being about. Not having a whole lot of time...
They say that after decapitation, the head remains conscious for up to 7 seconds. Never thought I’d get the chance to find out. Stuck behind a lorry full of gobstoppers, in a rush to get back to Jo’s, had to risk overtaking on that blind bend. Audi coming the other way. Of course it was an Audi…
They also say that before you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes. Waiting for that now, but all I can think is damn, I’ll never get to watch series 6 of House. The DVD arrived in the post this morning. I don't even feel sad, more frustrated – like when you can’t find the end of the sellotape. Expected a bit more drama somehow...
Plenty of drama, that last row with Jo. The things we fight about! The 5 second rule… I picked that toast up in three, it was perfectly good to eat. A few cat hairs weren’t going to kill me. But I hate that the last word I said to her was “off”.
Is 4 roses cheap? All I could afford. Where are they? Over there, past the bike… past the body. Legs still twitching – so it’s not just the head. Glad I can’t see the neck, think I’d puke if I did… wonder how that’d work?
Mum says accidents happen in 3s. Banged my knee on the coffee table this morning - I can still feel the bruise - then sliced my finger, cutting rind off the bacon. I’m all about proving people right today…
That kid in a hoody, stooping to pick up Jo’s flowers! Little git, gonna give ‘em to his girlfriend… least he won’t have to pay 2 quid a rose! Me, I’m waiting on another hoody now – the world’s first. Carrying a scythe, not stealing roses…
Wonder if she’ll remember to put my ashes in a firework like we discussed? ‘Purple Rain’ at the funeral? Give my comic collection to Barnardo’s? Come on… where’s my life-flash? This can’t be all there is. Thirty-three years, there’s got to be… wait, wait – it’s coming. I can see it now… I remember! Yes! My 1st ever--