Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

What I'm Wearing Today...

So I'm perusing Louise's copy of Marie Claire on the toilet the other night and once I'd finished reading about "Women Obsessed With Every Man They Meet" and "Wedding Night Sex Confessions" (honestly, you women, you're so sex-obsessed!) I stumbled across an interesting article called "I Blogged My Way To Millions - A Guide To Making Your Fortune Online". Well, naturally I was hooked... this could be the answer to all my unemployment woes. I mean, hey, I write a blog anyway... imagine if I could become a millionaire just by doing something I'm already doing!

Unfortunately, many of the ideas for blogging my way to millions were a little out of my league (they involved moving to Hollywood and schmoozing actors or being reborn as someone with a vaguely interesting lifestyle)... but one proved inspirational. Apparently there's this woman in (I can't remember where and Louise has taken the magazine back now) who started a blog which involved nothing more than posting a photo of whatever outfit she was wearing to work that day. Her blog's become such a success she's been able to quit her day job and concentrate 100% of her time to wearing clothes, taking photos of herself wearing clothes, and posting photos of herself wearing clothes online.

Well, two can play at that game, love...

This is what I'm wearing today. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers from Last Exit To Nowhere. Brown cords from... the shop. Slippers.

Here's what I wore yesterday. Incredible Hulk T-shirt from some comic shop that had a sale on. Same brown cords. (Why would I wear a pair of trousers for just 1 day?) Slippers.

Here's what I'll be wearing tomorrow. My new Spidey T-shirt from the cover of Amazing Spider-Man #100, by John Romita Senior. Same brown cords. (What? They won't be dirty yet.) Slippers.

Here's what I'll be wearing on Thursday. Joker T-shirt by Hahahahaha Hooohahahahaha Hehehahahahaa! Same brown cords. (Yes, I do change my underpants daily.) Slippers.

Here's what I'll be wearing on Friday. Except I probably won't because I'm always too scared to wear this T-shirt in public. I bought it from the comedian Mundo Jazz. I'm always worried people won't get the irony and I'll get either beaten up or arrested. Same brown cords (they'll go in the wash on Saturday, all right?) Slippers.

Great stuff - now I'll just sit back and watch the cash roll in! Why didn't I think of this years ago?

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