Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Now That I Don't Have A Job... might think I'd have more time for blogging. Strangely, I seem to have less. Make of that what you will.

Still, more time at home at least means I get to take loads more photos of the crazy things cats do. Because the internet can never get enough of that.

For example, here's Murphy. He likes boxes. He's also too fat for boxes. Dilemma.

Meanwhile, Molly has been complaining that I never feature her photos on my blog. She's just not as dumbassedly photogenic as Murphy, I guess. Here she is catching up on a spot of smartarse sunbathing.

And to finish off, here's some more crazy squirrel action from Colin...

Tomorrow - I'll attempt to solve the problems in the Middle East. With a photo of a wood pigeon.

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