...when I'm not here, that is.
I've just dug out and dusted off the first issue of The Jock (Ultimate 21st Century version) and posted it over on my writing blog. If you want to read a comic about a desperate band of freedom fighters struggling to save the world from an evil radio corporation... go here now.
Meanwhile, over at thoughtballoons, we're hip deep in Invincible week. I wasn't too keen on my own strip, a snarky dig at Robert Kirkman's propensity for over-egging the exposition, but it's gone down surprisingly well with the other tb-ers. Personally, I preferred last week's J. Jonah Jameson strip (but then, he was my choice).
And I'm still reviewing cheap comics over at Comics - On The Ration. Just survived Frank Miller and Jim Lee's All Star Batman & Robin. It made me feel goddamned grubby... but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
But... I don't just lead a virtual life. I can now officially announce a rare public appearance. Rob and Paul have asked me to join them on their Comics - On The Ration panel at this year's Caption Comics Convention in Oxford. I've been invited along to Caption by a variety of people over the years and I've always managed to find a decent excuse... but this year, the guys caught me on the hop. They know I don't have anything else to do with my time now I'm no longer counted among the gainfully employed. So they've tricked me into attending. Let me know if you're going along too, so I be sure to keep out of your way. (I suppose I better tell Jay.)