I realize that I haven't been writing for quite some time due to my time constraint, but it doesn't mean that I stop watching movies these days. Actually I kept watching a lot of movies, whether in the cinemas or dvds. Anyway, watching movies is always a fun thing to do. No, it's my addiction! I will surely write longer reviews again in the future, once I can put together the right time, energy and mood in front of my computer. And I will keep updating this humble list. Hope you have fun reading it and may dig for some movies worth seeing. (MJ)
MyRating: YYYY
MyRating: YYYY
A highly entertaining sci-fi/fantasy movie about a former Confederate Army Captain, John Carter, who finds himself accidentally teleported to Mars, right into the middle of the conflicts of the Martians. When he falls in love with a Martian princess, he realizes that there is no other way than to fight their war. The impressive and dazzling visual effects was backed with a good storytelling and action-packed adventure. This is a fun thrill ride to planet Mars that you may have never seen before.
MyRating: YYYY
24 teenage boys and girls are selected into a competition where they have to battle to the death on live television, until only one can survive. Captivating story and solid performances, with a brutal deadly game à la Battle Royale, and a love triangle as the background. The casting of the lovely Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen couldn't be more perfect, with other interesting performances from the supporting casts such as Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks and Stanley Tucci. I liked it, and I'm already sold to this nicely set-up big new franchise.
Channing Tatum has to win again the heart of his wife, the lovely Rachel McAdams, who losses her memory in a fatal car accident. Not an easy road for him as not only he has become a stranger to his wife now, but also her love for him may not be there anymore. A melodramatic flick? Why not? This romantic drama was a sweet and enjoyable watch, with a good chemistry and decent performances by the two leads, who shined. A perfect date movie for Valentine's Day.
A creative found-footage movie about three friends discovering their telekinetic abilities. When they are starting to abuse their superpowers and let them out of hand, their doom is just one step away. The interesting story, added with thrilling atmospheres and cool effects captured with camcorder, made this a fun experience at the cinema, including finding yourself flying in the sky with winds blowing around you. The destructions that these boys could create were massive.

Ryan Reynolds is a CIA agent and the keeper of a safe house, where a dangerous criminal, Denzel Washington, is sent for protection. When the safe house is being attacked, they find themselves in the run, while the Agent has to do whatever he could to not let the Prisoner escape from his responsibility. A good and entertaining action thriller with intense actions and solid performances by both Washington and Reynolds. Not perfect, but it surely hit the required marks.
MyRating: YYY
MyRating: YY1/2
Mark Wahlberg is back to his comfort zone in this action thriller as an ex-smuggler who finds himself difficult to stay out of his dark past. To protect his family, he has to plunge into another crime by smuggling 10 million dollars in fake bills from Panama. A modest heist movie with a lot of potentials, but did not deliver enough punches to score it big. The story was fairly decent, but a bit flat, with interesting supporting cast such as Kate Beckinsale, Ben Foster and Giovanni Ribisi.

MyRating: Y1/2
Another big-dumb action-fantasy with non-stop battles, but almost no substance. This time Perseus (Sam Worthington) has to save his father, Zeus, from the underworld, and to defeat Kronos, the ancient Titan. The good visual effects and the Greek mythology creatures could not compensate for the bad story. No character interesting enough to root for. The acting was mechanical. This is a Hollywood product with no souls. I know I shouldn't expect a gem out of it, but I didn't enjoy it even as a no-brain entertainment. So many actions, yet so boring.